Lombervegur (Ombreroad)

High up on Ombreroad. Photo: GMHK
High up on Ombreroad. Photo: GMHK

The road was made in the beginning of the 20th century, to connect the farms Aðalból in Austurárdalur and Efri Núpur in Núpsdalur, to allow the farmers to easily meet up and play the card game Lomber (Known as Ombre in English) with each other. Lomber is a card game originating from southern europe and the tradition of playing Lomber still lives in Húnaþing vestra.

The grave of the midwife and famous poet Vatnsenda Rósa is in the graveyard at Efri Núpur but she died there in 1855.


Take road 706 to Efri Núpur. Ombreroad lies right south of the farm heading east. Alternatively one can drive road F578 towards Arnarvatns instead but then Ombreroad will lead to the west before reaching a bridge over the river Austurá next to the abandoned farm Bjargarstaðir.

2.5 kilometer hike over an old road. The hike is very easy although on one occasion one must climb over a gate. Good glacier view in the south and the gulf of Húnaflói in the north. Fitting to take a deck of cards along with the trip and sit down in cover to play a bit of Ombre.

